This neighborhood development plan focuses on the area surrounding the Buckeye-Woodhill Rapid Transit Station (RTS) located on the Light Rail System in Cleveland, OH.
Using the reconstruction of the RTA Buckeye-Woodhill RTS as a catalyst, this study combined several planned projects within the immediate vicinity to explore transit linkages that would unite the neighborhood and provide development opportunities. This project is a Transportation for Livable Communities Initiative (TLCI) grant as awarded by the Northeast Ohio Area Coordinating Agency (NOACA), the regional metropolitan planning organization. The grant was co-sponsored by the Buckeye Area Development Corporation and Neighborhood Progress, Incorporated (NPI).
Project Partners
Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority
Coleman Creative LLC
Manka Design Studio
CenterMark Development
Ariel Ventures
Cleveland Neighborhood Progress (formerly Neighborhood Progress, Inc.)
Buckeye Area Development Corporation
Saint Luke’s Foundation