Clifton Boulevard Streetscape Enhancements


Clifton Boulevard is a major east-west commuter route through Lakewood and Cleveland’s Edgewater neighborhood. It is primarily surrounded by residential uses, with a significant commercial node near the border between the two cities. The Ohio Department of Transportation plans to re-surface the street in coming years. Recognizing an opportunity to link this investment to other enhancements, the two cities asked the CUDC to consider improvements to the entire nearly 5-mile street. Following a detailed study of existing conditions, the CUDC met with a steering committee and conducted public meetings on both sides of the border. This process informed the final, detailed plan. In addition to regularizing curb cuts and pedestrian crossings throughout, the CUDC proposed a planted median for the residential portions of the street. In addition to reinforcing Clifton’s character as a leafy boulevard, the median makes crossing the street easier for pedestrians. The priority of pedestrians is further signalled through new signage and distinctive paving. The portion of the plan above shows the retail node around West 117th Street. Here the median is discontinued to allow for left turns into businesses, but the pedestrian experience remains a priority, as reflected in integrally colored crosswalks and intersection inserts, special sidewalk paving, enhanced bus shelters and unique wayfinding kiosks. The two cities are using the CUDC’s plan to secure enhancement funds for the re-surfacing project.

Project Partners

  • The City of Lakewood Department of Planning and Development and The City of Cleveland Planning Commission