Step Up Downtown
Step Up Downtown is a strategic vision for linking and enhancing development, public spaces, and destinations in Downtown Cleveland. The plan was initiated in January 2014 by the Downtown Cleveland Alliance (DCA) to knit together a number of recent project and district planning efforts and develop downtown-wide strategies that can guide both private and public investment decisions through the next economic cycle. The plan is also intended to help inform the effort to renew the Downtown Cleveland Special Improvement District for 2016 to 2020.
Downtown Cleveland is experiencing a surge of new development, accompanied by a renewed appreciation for existing assets. Property owners are to be credited for the decision to invest in Downtown’s future by creating the Special Improvement District (SID), and Downtown Cleveland Alliance (DCA) as the organization to manage and serve it, in 2005. Their support over the last decade has positioned Downtown to take advantage of the national and global trends (described fully within this report) that are now favoring downtown development. Since the SID’s inception, property owners have contributed over $30.7 million through their assessments, which have leveraged nearly $20 million in additional support from foundations and corporate sponsorships.
During its first five-year term (2006-2010), DCA focused heavily on Clean & Safe services. Before walkability, livability and connectivity became buzzwords, DCA was preparing Downtown Cleveland to capitalize on today’s trends by making it clean, safe, and inviting to residents, workers, visitors, and investors. Having performed at a level that exceeded expectations over the first term, property owners supported the idea of expanding DCA’s portfolio of services. Business development and supportive strategic marketing became an additional priority for the second five-year term (2011-2015), while continuing to grow and improve the Clean & Safe program.
In short, the Step Up Downtown plan ushers in an important phase in the evolution of Downtown Cleveland. In order to remain as a competitive destination for jobs, new businesses and investment, Downtown must continue to move toward a livable 24/7 vital urban center. As articulated by the Step Up Downtown advisory committee, the plan aims to achieve core values that include a vibrant, inclusive, green, connected and innovative community. Step Up Downtown provides a holistic vision for all of Downtown, and offers realistic sequenced priorities for moving forward
Mar 2014 | Now is Our Time For Us to Step Up Downtown