Call for Proposals! 2018 Midwest Urban Design Charrette

children_gardenThis fall, the CUDC and our three academic partners – Lawrence Technological University’s College of Architecture and Design in Detroit, MI; the State University of New York at Buffalo in Buffalo, NY; and Ball State University’s Urban Design Center in Indianapolis, IN – will bring graduate students in urban design, architecture, and landscape architecture to a selected community for a 3-4 day intensive design workshop (or charrette). The Midwest Urban Design Charrette has been conducted for seven consecutive years, most recently traveling to Detroit, MI in 2017 and Akron, OH in 2016.CuxedV7XEAAoGYEIMG_3410The CUDC is looking for a community partner from a city, suburb, town, or neighborhood in western New York; northwestern Pennsylvania; northern Ohio; northern Indiana; or the lower peninsula of Michigan, facing a unique urban design or planning challenge and in need of fresh ideas and perspectives.This year, the Midwest Urban Design Charrette is specifically seeking communities with issues related to one or more of the following areas of interest:• resilience to the impacts of climate change;• environmental justice;• patterns of migration into or out of a community, either domestically or internationally; and• immigrant communities.If you’d like for your community to be considered for this year’s charrette, please send a brief proposal no later than April 2, 2018 to Please see our full RFP in .pdf format here for submission details.Thank you for your interest, & we hope to hear from you soon!IMG_9242