Zero Threshold Design Competition

ZTZeroThreshold is an international architectural design competition that elevates ideas of housing accessibility through beautiful design.Winning entries will receive monetary awards and be featured in an exhibition and publication. The strongest and most innovative awards may be constructed in a future second phase of the competition. The submission deadline in June 28, 2019.Meet the jurors...Gyungju_Chyon_bwGYUNGIU CHYON is an assistant professor of Product and Industrial Design at Parsons.downloadANDREW FRONTINI is a Principal at Perkins+Will and the Design Director of the Toronto and Ottawa studios.sheena_mcgeeSHEENA MCGEE, Allied ASID, is the principal and owner of Sheena McGee Designs in Cleveland, Ohio.justin_bwJUSTIN GARRETT MOORE is an urban designer and the executive director of the New York City Public Design Commission.Ogbu_Liz_SH2018_0_bwLIZ OGBU is a designer, urbanist, and spatial justice advocate. She is an expert on social and spatial innovation in challenged urban environments globally.