Black Agrarianism & Access to Land in Cleveland

ohiocityfarm2Ohio City Farm (GreenCityBlueLake, Cleveland Museum of Natural History)Please join us for a lecture by Justine Lindemann on Friday, March 1 at noon at the Cleveland Urban Design Collaborative, 1309 Euclid Avenue, second floor.Justine Lindemann is a PhD candidate at Cornell University and a lecturer in political science at John Carroll University. Her work explores the food system in Cleveland as a lens on racial inequalities in the city, and the ways in which communities work within the food system to create more equitable spaces (both figurative and literal).Food production in Cleveland has become part of the political landscape, with everyone from members of City Council, Community Development Corporations, and Ohio State Extension investing in urban agriculture in some capacity. However, this does not necessarily translate to increased rights for mostly low-income communities of color to produce food (and spaces) within the city, or to have a voice in the political decisions around food production, urban development, and urban change.This research is a foray into a particular moment in Cleveland's history and geography. It is contextualized by both police violence and the spectre of black power activism; by a shrinking population and uneven capitalist development to bolster select neighborhoods; by an expanding 'food scene' and continued grocery store closings in predominantly black, historically redlined, neighborhoods.The ways in which black residents engage with power hierarchies, the institutions within the city, the various communities and neighborhoods, and the limited resources available to produce (food) spaces within the city represent a powerful insight into the claims made for rights to and in the city.This event is free and open to the public. You are welcome to bring your lunch. Snacks will also be served.