CUDC Spring Lecture Series


The Spring lecture Series at CUDC opens on Feb 1 at noon with a presentation by Jane Goodman, Executive Director of Cuyahoga River Restoration and Halina Steiner, Landscape Architecture Professor at Ohio State's Knowlton School. Jane will talk about the Habitat for Hard Places initiative--an innovative project to restore fish habitat in the Cuyahoga River ship channel. Halina will share some of her students' design ideas for both people and fish at the river's edge. This program will take place in the CUDC Gallery, 1309 Euclid Avenue, Suite 200 in Downtown Cleveland.

On Feb 5 at 5:30pm, Anthony Rowe of Squidsoup will give a presentation entitled Immersive Experiences in Mixed Reality Spaces. This program will take place on the main campus of Kent State University in the Cene Lecture Hall in the College of Architecture and Environmental Design.

Other upcoming programs include:

March 1 at noon | Justine Lindemann John Carroll University | Black Agrarianism & Access to Land in Cleveland (at the CUDC)

March 8 at noon | Jeff Knopp  Behnke Landscape ArchitectureHistoric American Landscape Survey for Liberty Row (at the CUDC)

March 18 at 5:15pm | James Garland Fluidity Design Consultants | Phenomenology & Ideation (at the CUDC)

April 5 at 5:30pm | Walter Hood Hood Design Studio | Hybrid Landscapes (at the College of Architecture & Environmental Design, Kent State University)

April 12 at noon | Elizabeth Ellis Toledo Design Center | Dialoguing Toledo (at the CUDC)

All events are free and open to the public.